Have You Been Closed, Cancelled, Denied, Frozen?
All of the businesses listed above can be classified as a High Risk business. You may have been told by your current provider that you are a prohibited business type or you may have been shut off for being on the credit card processor prohibited business list. Unless you are doing something illegal, in most cases we will have a bank willing to underwrite your account and in many cases we will have multiple banks available including multiple options with no rolling reserves needed. When you choose the category your business is, we will help show you why your business is a high risk business and some amazing options for your credit card processing needs. We work with smaller sponsor banks that cater and welcome high risk business models. We will provide you with an insight of the basic understanding of what is involved in high risk credit card processing, the low costs you can expect to incur, what you will need for setup and how to select the merchant accounts provider for your particular business. High Volume Merchants - can have a hard time finding a merchant account just because they will process hundreds of thousands of dollars or more a month in credit card sales. The reason for this is because the banks do not want to take the risk with that kind of volume for credit card processing and may lead to a lot of chargebacks or higher then normal chargeback levels.